Jackson Wang's first time to do a Twitter Space!

analoggirls jackson wang

On September 7, Jackson Wang tried Twitter Space for the very first time, he said he wanted to try it out to promote his Magic Man album that's coming out in two days and he's in awe that it was like a podcast and wants to do it often before he goes to sleep.

He struggled to operate the space at first (such a cutie!), he was the only speaker and asked if he could invite speakers from the listeners. He then successfully invited a few from Brazil, the Philippines, and New York.

He said he's coming to New York in a few days, but not really sure when, which the New Yorker fan started speaking to him and talked about stuff to do there and where to go. They were also asked what time it is in their country, and some answered it's late at night, in fact, they have some work to do and some have tests or some deadlines to meet but they're willing to stay up for Jackson.

They expressed how they love Jackson and how long they've been a fan of him. They're very excited about Magic Man and couldn't wait for it to be released. He appreciated every praise and said he wanted to do a world tour because he's never done it as a solo artist. He also mentioned their team is already starting to brainstorm for the world tour even though there's no assurance on it as he speaks.

He mentioned "Blue," one of his tracks in his Magic Man album, is the most emotional song he's written so far. He explained it is about when he met the darkest moment of his life, that after the hell he's been through mentally, physically, and personally, would everyone still be there. 

Fans appreciated how honest he is as an artist, he said, after all, he's still a person and he wants to share that with his fans. The ones who had speaker access started talking to each other about where and when one saw the other, and Jackson seemed very happy that his fans are talking to each other, although they haven't met in person. He then said they should all be friends, directing to all his listeners. 

He was taught greetings and I love you in Spanish and other languages. He also asked what "listen to my album Magic Man" and  "My album is coming out in two days," in Spanish and Portuguese. A Filipina fan also asked him to say "shot puno," he asked what it meant before saying it, she explained to fill up the whole glass/shot glass when drinking alcohol. 

His 30-45 minute Twitter space gained 17,600 listeners, before he ended the space, he did an impromptu commercial break because he saw a spider and he has the most adorable way of asking Simona, his manager, to make the spider leave 😆

Simona, I just saw a spider, can you guide it to the entrance?

It wasn't confirmed if the spider left where he is LOL. Anyway, he said he needed to sign 300 more posters and asked how to go live on Twitter. Apparently, Twitter doesn't have that option so he decided to go TikTok live instead. And finally, he asked those fans who needed to sleep to rest and that he'll try to do Twitter spaces as much as he can to meet them again.

@ahgasedaily best guy &lt3 #jacksonwang #got7 ♬ Cruel Summer - char

During his TikTok live, he had effects and he's a little confused as to why he had those. He also asked why there are some gifts appearing on the screen. When he read that it is because fans are sending him money, he immediately ended his TikTok live. 

Not only is he sweet, but he also doesn't want fans spending unnecessary money on him. Who wouldn't adore Jackson Wang? 

Jackson Wang's first time to do a Twitter Space! Jackson Wang's first time to do a Twitter Space! Reviewed by Rai on Wednesday, September 07, 2022 Rating: 5

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