B.I releases lightstick design and it's called a "BIN BONG"

On July 25, @ID_131official (B.I's official fanclub twitter account) released the photo of what is to be the BTBT singer's official lightstick!

With it's official name being "BINBONG" fans believe that it is inspired by the Inside Out Character, BINGBONG!

It is worth noting that Bingbong has actually been seen in some of B.I's videos in the past months, so ID's believe that he's been hinting at the design for a long time now. Check out Bingbong's appearance in this B.I video playlist:

A twitter user even predicted that it's going to be called just that!

B.I also retweeted the teaser and it seems he's just as excited as ID's!

Are you all excited for the release? 

B.I releases lightstick design and it's called a "BIN BONG" B.I releases lightstick design and it's called a "BIN BONG" Reviewed by Lexi on Monday, July 25, 2022 Rating: 5

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