Works of @abciddy

A month ago while I browse social media sites, I keep seeing lots about a Wattpad writer named abciddy and her works. People were raving about this Project series that made them kilig, chuckle, cry, hope, hurt and what not, so as a reader it made me really curious on what this series is all about. Searched and started reading Project Ex, can’t stop so I proceeded with Project Why and yes I still couldn't stop and continued with Project Z.
Because the Project Z was an active story then, I read up to Chapter 7 only and was so eager to wait for Chapter 8. I am not really a vocal fan of any authors, singers, everything! But this... This pushed me to be one.
October 1st, 2014 I shared a part of the story that just made me want to crave for more on my Instagram and Twitter accounts.
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On the same day, I posted how happy I am to follow my instincts and read up this series. 
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I read along as Wattpad notifies me on my phone...

Working with Project Z,  eating with Project Z, watching with Project Z, sleeping with Project Z, dreaming with Project Z.

On the 9th of October, I couldn't sleep and I don't know why. I got my phone, opened my Instagram and saw this video teaser. I just had to re-post it. I'm really a fan! (just a screenshot now)
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After finishing the Project series, I was wanting for more… I know she is brewing another story from one of the Project series’ characters – John Carlos AKA Caloy. He has an interesting personality in the series and would love to read more about him. She has put up teasers while Project Z was on, also read about #100HappyDays behind-the-story at and I think it made Caloy's character more interesting.
5 days ago, the Prologue of #100HappyDays has been uploaded and I am so tempted to read but I know I’ll have sleepless night waiting for the Chapters to be up.
“Paano ng aba nain-love and isang happy-go-lucky sa isang nega’t di naniniwala sa true love at destiny?”
Waiting... Waiting... Waiting...
What I love about this author is, she has the artistry to put teasers on her Instagram for her followers/readers which makes it more exciting on what's going to happen next. Looking forward to blogging more about abciddy and her works, she's definitely one of my new favorite writers.
Works of @abciddy Works of @abciddy Reviewed by Rai on Friday, October 31, 2014 Rating: 5

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